No more worries about frozen shoulder

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. Due to the anatomy of the shoulder joint, it can move in many directions, whether it is raising the arm to the ear, raising the arm behind the back, or reaching for things. It can also use to throw objects or play certain sports, such as baseball. However, “frozen shoulder” is a condition that reduces the movement of the shoulder joint, whether it is raising the arm to the front, back, or side. If you try to lift your right arm compared to your left arm and you can’t lift it the same, that may be a sign.
In the early stages, there is obvious pain, but no other symptoms. As time passes, the stiffness increases, while the pain decreases. During this period, the patient cannot move the shoulder, but the pain is not as severe as in the early stages. After that, the symptoms gradually ease over time, and it takes about a year from the onset of symptoms until they completely disappear.
Doctors can diagnose frozen shoulder through physical examination or by having the patient lift their arms in front of a mirror to check whether both arms. Can lift to their full potential. If one arm cannot be lifted as well as the other. It can conclud In some cases, doctors may order a CT scan to check for underlying conditions and to provide proper and appropriate treatment.
Types of shoulder joint disease
Primary frozen shoulder
Primary frozen shoulder is a disease that occurs without a cause. It usually occurs in people aged 30-50 years and is more common in ยูฟ่าเบท women than men. Patients may have certain underlying diseases such as diabetes or thyroid disease. Which research has confirm that people with these diseases have a higher chance of having primary than the general population.
Primary frozen shoulder can heal on its own, but it can take about a year or more. Your doctor will recommend shoulder exercises to increase range of motion, pain medication, physical therapy, or injections. In cases where there is severe stiffness and pain and non-surgical treatments have not been effective, your doctor may use arthroscopic surgery to cut through the fascia that is preventing movement in your shoulder.
Secondary frozen shoulder
Secondary is a condition. That causes shoulder pain, leading or is caused by an accident, surgery, radiation, or a ruptured rotator cuff. Which are all triggers.
Treatment of secondary is base on the underlying cause. For example, if frozen shoulder is caused by a ruptured ligament, treatment will involve surgical repair of the torn ligament so that it can function normally again.
Dangers and complications
Frozen shoulder is not life-threatening, but it can make the patient’s quality of life worse. If you have pain, seek immediate diagnosis and treatment.